The Loath of Oilty (poem)

Posted by ractrose on 27 Mar 2021 in Art, Poems

Pencil drawing of pine and marsh plants




The Loath of Oilty


You, the undersigned

Sacrifice your present ha

ppiness for future winnings

The future is the be

st place for be

ach combings and the shaking out

I saw the shine

Of a crushing double blood

Macchiato lime twist with a cinnamon stick


Bearing heavy on the vanishing point

craterly as an orbal Mars

An orange grandad of benignity

a dimpled Florida juicer winking light


Of intellect, of intellect

That rarely found and fine…but not the kind

To tenderize a sinewy dreamscape

Stabbing peppery phrase-making into flinching

Students of the times

the tent

that promises a sideshow and delivers

a finger wag

ging not many who come

from your backgro

und are suitable

no good


Betray our secret and it’s really too late

Later on, everything

If you did not do this, s

omeone else would have to

you hurt reputations

Candidate, you are doing an excel

ent service for your community

We particularly want you t

o be the one to help us

If you don’t help, we

threaten you with violence

How dare you say so

! They are the salters of the earth

Please offer a gift of thanks at holiday time

They are irration

al and will poison your dog

Stop offending sight




Loath of Oilty

Pastel drawing of verdigris face feeling horrifiedDecoration Day















(2018, Stephanie Foster)




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